Built over 2000 years ago and dedicated to Amun, Mut and Khonsu, ruins of the ancient Karnak temple sit in the ancient city of Luxor. IT is believed to be the largest temple ever built, covering 200 acres, one of the many wonders of the world. Karnak temple is unique because dozens of Pharoses added their constructions over their ruling years. The size and the various architectural, artistic details make it an invaluable historical site.
Ancient Egyptians believed that the earth and the gods become exhausted at the end of each agricultural cycle and need a fresh start every year. They held an ” Opet ” festival, which lasted for 27 days. “Opet” is also a celebration of the connection between Amun and Pharos.
Karnak temple is truly a magnificent site to visit. A well planned pre-booked itinerary to Egypt will be able to properly navigate you through all the significant and mesmerizing historic sites.
At night Karnak temple offers a dramatic sound and light show. The show narrates the significant events of the kings and the gods. Ancient kings arise to tell you the secrets of their lives as mysterious Egyptian music flows through the temple. Poetic voices will tell you about the birth of Karnak Temple, Pharos, and its gods. It is an enchanting and exciting experience you should not miss. If you are visiting Egypt, make sure you spare time for both morning and night tours at the temple.