In the wooded hills in Kiyoto on the beautiful site of Otawa Waterfall sits the Kiyomizu Dera temple. It was founded in 780 and got its unique name from the falls pure water. The temple is a UNESCO world heritage site because of its unique location, architecture, and history.
Otawa Waterfall is considered just as special and spiritual as the temple. Waterfall sits at the base of the temple. Its water is believed to possess spiritual benefits. The water is divided into three streams; each has its unique benefits such as love life, longevity, and success. Visitors use cups attached to long poles and drink from the streams but drinking from all three streams is considered greedy.
Kiyomizu Dera is famous for its wooded stages. From the scene, visitors can see the beautiful views of cherry and maple tree forest that stretches for miles on the hill and the views of Kyoto city. Behind the temple is the Jish shrine dedicated to the deity of love and matchmaking. Around the Kiyomizu temple, there are other temples such as vermillion three stories pagoda and its zuigudo hall is dedicated to the mother of Buddha.
Kiyomizu Dera is beautiful in the night with its shimmering lights, and from there, you can watch the night lights of Kyoto as if the night sky has fallen. If you plan to visit Kyoto, make sure you pre-book your itinerary through a seasoned travel agent. You shouldn’t miss these unique experiences and commuting around Japan without a plan will be tough.